4 Staff Members, 11 Years, 20 Countries, 50 States, 1200 Recipient Organizations, Over 15.5 Million Pounds Diverted from Landfill

Solutions to the Landfill Problem

Until recently the standard procedure for disposing of construction and demolition waste was simply to send it all to landfill. This practice produces devastating results. According to EPA estimates, methane produced by rotting matter in landfills is the second largest factor affecting global climate change. Construction and demolition waste account for 40% of landfill substance.

The effects of climate change are reduced through mitigation of methane production in landfills when surplus office furniture, fixtures and architectural materials are diverted from landfill. ANEW helps mitigate methane production in landfills through reuse, resale, repurposing, and recycling of surplus from decommissioned commercial space; we then steward this surplus to charities, public agencies and the underserved. This practice of Social Sustainability, uniting social responsibility with environmental sustainability, strengthens communities while helping the environment. To date we’ve diverted over 13 million pounds from landfill, serving over 800 organizations in 20 countries. The ANEW movement is having a positive effect on society and the environment; the numbers say it all, and those we work with are our measure.

“ANEW is making a real difference by diverting good, usable commercial furniture and building materials away from landfills and into the hands of people who truly need it and will use it. It is a tremendous effort and they need your support. I strongly encourage you to get involved, use their services and support ANEW whenever possible.” – Fred Hernandez, Director of Client Relations, CoreNet Global
