Contact ANEW
Become a part of the solution!
There are several ways you can get involved with ANEW.
- Donate to ANEW today:
- Give us Your Surplus: Repurpose your surplus furniture, fixtures, and building materials and receive a tax receipt, among other benefits.
- Become a Recipient: If you are a non-profit organization, disadvantaged community or public agency you qualify as a recipient.
- Become a Sponsor: Our Sponsors enable us to continue doing our good work.
- Volunteer your time
- Follow us on Social Media and share our posts to your community!
Contact us today!
ANEW is a 501(C)(3) nonprofit organization based in Los Angeles, CA. In 2015 ANEW expanded its business model and is establishing a presence throughout the country in places such as Santa Fe, NM, Seattle, WA, Southern California, Tuscon, AZ, Chicago, IL and Tampa, Florida.
To reach ANEW for general inquires, project opportunities, donations, sponsorships or media please contact us at or our general line at: (213) 943-4400. Any one of us can assist you!