ANEW Sponsor KNOLL announces 2030 Sustainability Goals

MillerKnoll announced new sustainability goals for 2030 to make a positive impact on the planet. The goals are targeted at reducing the company’s carbon footprint, designing out waste, and sourcing better materials. MillerKnoll has been an ANEW sponsor for 13 years. Together, they developed Full Circle, an exclusive resource recovery program designed for customers who are looking to avoid landfill when decommissioning furniture or surplus assets from a space.

A Closer Look at our Work

We’re compiling case studies of the causal sequence, the ripple effects of our Surplus Stewardship® program. We help local organizations focus on […]

ANEW hosts the first WELL + good: a down to earth summit™

In September 2017 ANEW hosted the first WELL + good: a down to earth summit™. Guests from thought and practice leaders representing global corporate manufacturing; architecture + design; enginering/transportation and higher education gathered in northern New Mexico to brainstorm today’s and tomorrow’s challenges.