What is Surplus Stewardship®?
In 2005 ANEW reinvented common liquidation practice with Surplus Stewardship®, a certified practice that extends the life cycle of good condition surplus items through reuse, resale, repurposing and recycling. ANEW works with corporate companies to steward their surplus furniture and other items away from landfill and back into their communities by matching their surplus to charities, non-profits, public agencies and to the underserved.
Until recently, when a company moved out of its commercial space it would most often leave all the old furniture, fixtures and equipment behind. Furniture installation companies, movers or demo crews would then haul these surplus items to landfill. ANEW has been the leader in changing this common liquidation practice, replacing it with Surplus Stewardship®.
Working together, Toyota & ANEW create a sustainable Surplus Stewardship® solution
Over 50 local community organizations benefit from this partnership. Toyota and ANEW team up to decommission the long-time Toyota headquarters in Torrance, CA for their relocation to Plano, TX. Working with ANEW, Toyota is able to maintain and exceed their sustainability and community outreach goals.